Every now and then, when progressives and liberals start talking about the uneven distribution of income and regressive tax rates in the United States, and especially when they suggest tax cuts for the poor and middle class and tax hikes for the rich, conservatives and Republicans immediately accuse them of trying to engage in class warfare. They say this to portray those on the left who favor more fairness in the economics of this country as being some kind of sinister Marxists who want to take everyone's money away and put everyone on an equal economic footing. Like most of what you hear coming out of conservative Republican mouths, that is utter nonsense.
The truth of the matter is that conservatives and Republicans are the ones who have repeatedly engaged in class warfare against those in lower income brackets throughout our entire history. In recent years, they fired artillery at union workers by openly practicing and supporting union busting. Reagan's firing of PATCO employees in the 1980s started a long process of ousting labor unions and rolling back their numbers, power, and influence. They further torpedoed labor by pushing through free trade legislation such as NAFTA, which led to a wholesale transfer of good paying American jobs to cheap foreign labor markets in Mexico and overseas. They even convinced Bill Clinton and other "New" Democrats to support this craziness. During George W. Bush's dictatorship, conservative Republicans carpet bombed and then nuked those in middle and lower income brackets when they pushed through gigantic tax cuts fior the wealthy while allowing but a dribble to anyone else. They also openly supported the importation of millions of illegal immigrant workers to further weaken unions and keep wages frozen or to make them go lower.
It is the conservatives and Republicans who have utilized numerous acts of economic genocide against those beneath them. That, my friends, is what class warfare really is: depriving workers and the poor of higher income so the rich and big business can exploit and profit off them.
Those who practice economic genocide and engage in exploitative class warfare are war criminals. Just like military war criminals, they should be hung for their crimes.